Many people find the mortgage market quite tricky to navigate and even if you are a seasoned buyer or remortgager, going to lenders one by one to find out rates and criteria will be extremely time-consuming.
A mortgage broker will have taken several exams and experience dealing with many different scenarios and circumstances. They will definitely be the best person to speak to!
It isn’t a one size fits all and sticking with your existing lender or who you bank with may mean you end up paying more for the loyalty to your bank.
Using a broker means one point of contact. Someone who takes time to find out about your individual circumstances and can find the best deal for YOU.
A good broker will handle everything like Fact Finding, Borrowing Capacity, Agreement in Principles, Rates and Applications, but a GREAT broker will explain everything and why. Luckily, this is exactly the service we offer.
Speak to us at Acclaimed about your mortgage and protecting yourself, your family and your lifestyle. We care about our clients.