When I was a young mum, it was important to me to ensure that if anything happened to me, my family would be looked after. I knew the need for life cover, but also felt it was just as important to give myself the additional protection should I fall ill with a serious Illness. I appreciate not everyone thinks like me, but I had seen situations that were heartbreaking and could have been alleviated by ensuring cover was in place.
I ensured that both my husband and I each had a policy that covered us both for life and critical illness. In 2021, with only 4 years left on the policy, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
At the time, all I could think of was my family and the overall impact on them. I then had to find the strength to get through the surgery and the treatment. Both of which can be challenging both physically and mentally. Luckily, the only thing that I didn’t need to worry about was my finances as we had cover for such an event in place.
When I advised my provider, Aviva, the claim was really straightforward. It was dealt with compassionately and swiftly. As I had set aside some “emergency savings” I paid for some of my treatment privately, as at that point we were in the middle of Covid and a lot of NHS standard screening hadn’t been carried out as it would have been normally. This had completely wiped out any emergency funds that I had. Luckily, I was able to replace this when my claim paid out.
Thankfully I have been successfully treated. The foresight I had to put this insurance in place, helped me cope at what was probably the most stressful time of my life.
Cover isn’t as expensive as you may think and it can be tailored to your budget. It’s better to have some cover in place, rather than none at all. It can provide invaluable “piece of mind” and provide breathing space for your finances at a time when your focus is elsewhere.
To get an indication of what cover you can obtain and what it might cost you, why not take a look at new life insurance quote system on our web site
Alternatively, you can have a free personal review with me and I can use my expertise to advise you on the recommended options.
Don’t leave it until it’s too late to be able to take out insurance.